New website, new blog

Our website just got bigger, smarter, and is overflowing with new content and utility.

We’ve kept to our general design direction, but we’ve expanded greatly to include more pages, more functionality, and much more content. The website will now become our first-point of contact for new users, investors, and partners, as it is the most ample resource for Changex and everything that’s coming to the project.

What’s new

🖥 Each tab at the top of our home page is now a dedicated page

Clicking on Bank, Wallet, and Wealth now showcases our three main service offerings in much greater detail.

📚 We’ve moved our blog

If you’re reading this, you know we’re no longer in Medium territory. Moving our blog to the website will be invaluable from an SEO and marketing point of view – we want to use the blog to lead new users to the website, and not to Medium as it was until now;

📚 We have added a dedicated CHANGE token page

It is, after all, the heart of Changex. We’ve included the tokenomics and everything else that is relevant.

🧰 We have retouched the design of the home page

We’ve switched up some elements and assets that we feel better reflect our identity, and we’ve added more content to better showcase Changex.

🤝 We now have a dedicated partner page

On the B2B side of things, we now have a dedicated landing page which presents various partnership opportunities, especially when it comes to integrating new tokens in Changex. We will use it wisely.

📦 We’ve moved everything else

From our About page, to our Roadmap, anything that might be useful to new and existing users, as well as partners, is now in one place.

Enjoy the new website!

More updates to follow soon, and some key announcements too.

Thank you for reading,

The Changex team

  1. Been using Changex for a while now. Personally love it and I can’t wait to see the banking part active too.

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